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Brave: Courageously Live Your Truth - Sheila Vijeyarasa:

On the Back of the Book:
Everyone has a calling, a life purpose, a destiny to fulfil. But not everyone feels brave enough to follow their dreams through.

Many of us get caught up in the existence of day to day and lose sight of what our true purpose is.
Sheila Vijeyarasa lost herself in the middle of all the small decisions in her life, aching to make profound changes but not knowing what to do.

Despite a great job and a life that looked exciting to others she knew deep down there was a greater, more meaningful purpose to her life.
Through struggle and heartbreak, and learning to cast aside the expectations of others and herself, Sheila found she was able to bravely step onto her Courageous Path.

Taking this leap reconciled the conflict that lay within - her corporate identity and her spiritual calling - healing her body and soul.
Brave: courageously live your truth is a call to all women yearning to live an authentic life and to be true to themselves and to others.
Information: 214 (Paperback)

Brave: Courageously Live Your Truth - Sheila Vijeyarasa:

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