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Children Who Have Lived Before - Trutz Hardo:

Information: 234 pages, paperback.
They say: In this book children from England, and the rest of Europe, the USA, Lebanon, South Africa, India, Israel, Brazil, Sri Lanka and Turkey remember their past lives.

Scientists - most notably Professor Ian Stevenson, Director of the Division of Personality Studies at the Health Sciences Center at the University of Virginia - report on how their stories are then followed up to verify that the children's memories are correct.
Especially convincing are the cases of children born with missing limbs who are able to describe exactly where and when they lost these limbs in a past life.

They also know precisely who their parents and relatives were and where they lived.

When the children's statements are subjected to scientific verification, they are invariably confirmed in every detail.
Trutz Hardo is the most well known expert on reincarnation and regression therapy in Germany.

He holds seminars in Europe, Australia, and the USA.

Children Who Have Lived Before - Trutz Hardo:

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