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Jonathan Livingston Seagull - Richard Bach:

Jonathan Livingstone Seagull (Book).

Blurb on the Back Says:
The complete edition of a timeless classic, which includes the recently rediscovered Part Four and 'Last Words' by Richard Bach.

A story celebrating the strength of the individual and the joy of finding your own way.
For most seagulls flying is just a means of finding food, but for Jonathan Livingston Seagull flying is life itself.

In flying Jonathan realises that he can find fulfillment and higher purpose in life, so, against the conventions of society, he seeks to become the best at doing what he loves.
Jonathan shows us that if we follow our dreams we can truly soar.

This beautiful fable explains the importance of fulfilling our ambitions and making the most of our lives, even if these goals run against the norms of our flock.

Jonathan Livingston Seagull - Richard Bach:

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