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Living in Tune by Liz Roberta:

On the Back:
That deeper calling within you? Don’t ignore it!
Intuition is the strongest tool we have, but far too often we forget to use it or aren’t sure where to begin?

This is the ultimate guide to connecting with your intuition, awakening to your spiritual purpose and leading an inspired, joyful life.
Award-winning spiritual coach Liz Roberta has devised a transformative framework of 21 inspiring questions to help you take practical steps to activate your intuition and start living in alignment. You’ll discover how to:

  • Listen, tune in to and follow your intuition.
  • Develop deep trust and confidence in yourself.
  • Choose a life path aligned with your purpose.
  • Share your unique insights and gifts with the world.

It’s time to trust your intuition and start living in tune with your deep inner knowing.

You’re here for a reason and your soul knows what’s best for you.

When you close the last page, you’ll know too.
Information: 213 (Paperback)

Living in Tune by Liz Roberta:

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