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Meditations to Heal Your Life - Louise Hay:

Information: 263 pages, paperback.
They say: In this beautiful collection of meditations and affirmations, Louise Hay shares her philosophy of life on a multitude of subjects from Addictions to Fears to Spiritual Laws - and everything in between.
Her loving insights will enrich your body, mind, and soul, while giving you practical knowledge to apply your day-to-day life.
'The gateways to wisdom and learning are always open, and more I am choosing too walk through them.

Barrier, blocks, obstacles, and problems are personal teachers giving me the opportunity to move out of the past and into the Totality of Possibilities.

I love stretching my mind, thinking of the highest good imaginable.

As my mind can conceive of more good, the barriers and blocks dissolve.

My life becomes full of little miracles popping up out of the blue.

And every now and then, I give myself permission to do absolutely nothing but sit and be open to Divine Wisdom.

I am a student of life, and I love it.? Louise Hay.

Meditations to Heal Your Life - Louise Hay:

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