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The Future Ancestor - Annabelle Sharman:

On the Back:
I am an Ancestor of the future.

Here I am, I have arrived.

I am here, I heard you.

I honour you, I honour me.
I am Annabelle Sharman.

I am a proud Aboriginal Bush woman of the Mutti Mutti tribe grown in the Australian Mallee among the gum trees, the Murray River and red dirt running through me.

In this lifetime, I am (have become) the Spirit Weaver, living Self, Spirit and Mother Earth.

I have become the Master of my own healing journey, having learned my lessons through life.

I am a survivor and now I am Home, I am whole and I am Oneness.
Throughout this book, I hold a space for you to see and feel through your Ancestor eyes, heart and Spirit, and to dance through the pages of this book.

You will be guided to uncover and unravel a piece of who you truly are.
Information: 212 (Paperback).

The Future Ancestor - Annabelle Sharman:

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