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The Wisdom Codes - Gregg Braden:

The Wisdom Codes by Gregg Braden.
Information: 206 pages, paperback.
On the Back of the Book:
The cutting edge of neurolinguistics meets the spiritual wisdom of the ages in a handbook of key words that literally rewire our brains.
"Through concsciously applying the word codes of the past to the challenges we face in the moment, we benefit from the wisdom of ancient sages, healers, mystics, and prophets.

In doing so, we're no longer victims.

We are no longer defined by our circumstances but become masters of our destiny.
When we speak the words, either out loud or silently to ourselves, something shifts within us.

And that 'something' is where the power of words, chemistry, and neurons converge in a beautiful way... This is the power of the wisdom codes.

In their presence, we are changed" - from The Wisdom Codes.

The Wisdom Codes - Gregg Braden:

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